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Friday, January 28, 2022

Where Is That Poem About Green Eyes?

Thanks to Google I can find almost any half-remembered poem or the lyrics of a song with just a few lines. But I've had no luck at all with these lines from a poem:

"I who was raised on river's silken sheen

Cannot remember exactly what color green

Your eyes are....."

That's all I've got, but searching poems and lyrics, as I have been, I get no returns; no matches; no hints.

Today I began wondering, trying to remember, was this a poem I began writing once upon a time and never got any further with than those lines? And if so, who was the poem about? 

An eye opening* article titled "The Truth About Green Eyes" says that only two percent of the world's population has green eyes. But according to an online survey they are the most attractive eye color. I know I used to wish I had green eyes - and auburn hair - most likely because of all the romance novels I read.

I suspect that if those lines are from a poem I began and never finished, they may have been about someone I had a crush on, though I don't remember anyone in particular who had green eyes. 

It could also have been about my two youngest children who have the kind of blue eyes that change color. Depending upon what they are wearing their eyes can also look green or grey.

Too illustrate: This picture of Kari from last summer, when she was wearing a green top - really brings out her green eyes.

My eyes have always been brown - well, at least they were. As I have aged they are more hazel. Maybe, at last,  I'm getting my wish for green eyes.

And maybe I should try to finish that poem.....

*Pun intended. The article about green eyes appeared online on The List.

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