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Monday, January 24, 2022

"Just Do It"

It's another one of those 'National' days - today is Just Do It Day. If that doesn't make you think of the shoe company then I hope it makes you remember Nike the Greek Goddess of speed, strength and victory. As I remember it she was the impetus for the naming of Nike, Inc.

I have been a procrastinator my whole life. I don't usually do things until I just have to. My daughter has encouraged me to make lists and experience the pleasure of crossing off the items as I complete them - in fact I think I have a note pad around here that is headed "Just Do It". But I am not a list maker though I am better about it now that my short term memory has deserted me. 

I once imagined just being involved with Bud, who was a dedicated runner, that I would magically become a runner, too.

It sort of worked - some. I would get up early every morning before work to go for a jog/walk - always trying for a mile. I might keep it up for three or four days before backsliding. Then start again and stop again ad infinitum.

Nike's Just Do It campaign launched in 1988. It was probably the early 90's when I bought my Nike tee with their swish logo and the slogan imprinted on it. This photo was taken at, I believe, one of the races sponsored by KMA Radio in Shenandoah. Bud would do a 5K or 10K and I would do my best to jog a couple of miles.

There have been a couple of instances since retirement that I have able to Just Do It - when we joined the Y and went every morning and then when we got our Nordic poles.

I believe it was in 1979 when Bud first began running every day.

This photo is from a few years ago when he was completing his 10,000th mile. 

In 1988 the first Just Do It Nike commercial was made featuring 80-year old Walt Stack who ran 62,000 miles in his life.

This picture of Bud was taken last August as he completed 15,000 miles of running and walking. He 'just' walks now, but his walking speed is faster than almost anyone else.

Walt Stack is quoted to have admonished: "Start slow .... and taper off." That sounds much more like my attitude. I'm very good at being slow and then stopping, but when it really necessary, I can still Just Do It. 😉

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