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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Ending 2021 On A High Note

The freezing fog overnight Thursday made for some beautifully frosted trees and bushes yesterday morning. I really wanted to go outside and take some pictures and was considering going up to McKinley Park. Then Bud decided, because of the forecast for snow and bitter cold for today, to make an end of the month walk instead of a first of the month walk. When he said he was going to go around Lake McKinley I asked if he would like me to come up there to take the picture for his Facebook post which is how I ended up just where I wanted to be - taking photos up at the park/lake. 

Usually I would be freezing in the 30ish temps, but I was so into what I was doing I didn't even get cold until I was done and started back to the car, headed into the wind. These are a few of my favorite shots.

The seed pods on the Tulip Poplar fascinate me.

A close up of a limb on a Longleaf Pine tree.

One of these days a flock of Cedar Waxwings will be feeding on these ornamental crabapples. I just hope I'm lucky enough to see them when they are.

This old Willow tree is just where it likes it - near the waters of Lake McKinley.

The park has many great paved paths which hook up with others and can be followed all the way to Green Valley State Park. I do like walking on the paved paths but my favorite is this little gravel path from the campgrounds to the spillway. I like that it is in and of nature, i.e., not manicured.

Which is also why I love the stream flowing out of Lake McKinley. This little beginning is the much larger Platte River by the time it leaves Iowa and crosses into Missouri.

Part of the water is still open while other areas are beginning to freeze over.

I could hear a number of birds, but could never see them which might have helped me identify them. I could not tell what they were from just hearing them.

Here the water flows over some rocks, but that shelf of ice along the edge is encroaching. 

I thought the frost on the weed in the middle of the photo made it look like a trident. Can you see it?

I have no idea what plant these small red berries form on. And I'm surprised the birds haven't eaten them. Are they something poisonous? Or do they just taste bad?

I also cannot identify what vining plant these yellow leaves grow from.

But I thought they went together nicely with the red berries.

One final picture of the creek before heading back to the car. I didn't even notice the red stems of the plant in the upper left corner until I had the photo on the computer.  Again, I have no idea....?

I really wasn't very far from my car, but when I headed that way, I was walking right into a cold wind. Now that my attention was no longer upon my intent, I really did notice the cold. But I am so happy I went out yesterday because it is really cold today.

I do plan to continue the New Year as I ended - being out and about in, of and with nature as much as I can.

I hope 2022 is good to all of us. 😊💗🌻🌞⛅🌎

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