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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

She Hung The Moon

Taking some late evening, sky pictures when I realized the new moon was hanging up there - and just to the right and up a bit was Venus. (Click on the photo to enlarge enough to see her.) Another peaceful April evening.

After an earlier raucous day. The trees were full of Blackbirds.

They would all fly off one way, then back the other.

They'd land on the ground and then back up into the trees. After awhile, they all flew away, taking their cacophonous hubbub with them.

A soaring Red-tailed Hawk was much more circumspect in its pursuits.

This morning I was lucky enough to catch sight of this visitor. Only the second time I have seen an Egret at our pond. The first was nine years ago, April 5, 2009.

It didn't seem to be looking for food and wasn't interested in the ducks passing by.

So, perhaps it was only resting before traveling on. It stood there less than a half hour. I glanced back out the window and it was gone. I didn't even get to see it in flight. I was just fortunate to see it in its unipedal resting stance.

Oh, wow! Look who else showed up this morning, Big Blue. And just in time for this blog post. Bud had seen the Heron once last week, but this is my first sighting this season. Maybe Spring really is here. Next it will be the baby geese hatching. 😀

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how we look forward to the hatching of the goslings every year! I hope Spring is there to stay this time.
