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Friday, April 13, 2018

Cloud Speak

Sunset from last Saturday, April 7:
Even when the sunsets are less colorful, the clouds speak. (I Google 'cloudspeak' to see if there is such a word and find there is something called 'cloudspeaker'. Who knew?)

Early yesterday morning, stepping outside to feel the warmer air, and spotting the faint last quarter of the moon.

Barely light out this morning when I saw, first, the graceful outline of the female and then the male joined her for breakfast. I know Cowbirds have a bad reputation, but I still think they are pretty. Several more joined them a few minutes later. The photo isn't good, taken through the window screen as it was, but I wanted to show it before the next one:

Ghost bird. I was still snapping pictures when they decided to leave. Don't think I've ever had a photo like this before.

Just now, I saw a Chipping Sparrow - also for the first time this year. Those tiny little birds delight me.

Now I have to get down to the business of the day - I promised myself I would finish our taxes. It isn't a very auspicious day to do so - Friday the 13th! That may not bode well. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow - procrastinator that I am!

Extra --- I meant to work this into today's post and forgot, so now it's an add-on:

Yesterday afternoon the phone rang. Caller ID told me it was great-grandson Rodney. I answered, "hello". "Hi grandma Ramona!" "Well, hi sweetie. How are you?" "I'm okay. I had my operation today." "Oh, my gosh, what happened?" "I had my adenoids removed." "Oh, I remember your Mom told me you were going to have that done, but I forgot it was today." "That's okay. Grandma Shelly was with me."
This handsome young man, only eight and a half years old, went on to describe the early morning trip to the surgery center, how he felt when he came out of recovery and how he was feeling several hours later. I was impressed by his grown-up manner, but more than that, I was touched that he wanted to call his great-grandma to tell her about it. His Mom didn't even know he was calling me.
After we chatted awhile, he handed his phone to Katrina before I could say, "I love you."
So, if your Mom shows you this: "I love you, Rodney!"

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