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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Fifth Anniversary

Five years ago I woke up hoping the previous day's mild paralysis had passed. It had not. I agreed with Bud then, that yes, I should go to the doctor. I told him to go ahead and go to the Y, I would take my shower and be ready to go when he got back.

I managed my shower and dressing, but realized I had a problem bigger than a TIA. I called the Y and asked Bud to come and get me, NOW. He came right home. I had my coat on ready to go, but before I could go to the car, I collapsed, slid to the floor. He called 911 and I got my first ever ambulance ride.

If you want more details about that day, I pretty much documented my stroke four years ago in my 'A One Year Anniversary' post. Even though the paralysis only lasted a few days, I was discouraged by my lack of energy and continued bouts with dizziness. I am very happy that, for the most part, all those lingering symptoms seem to now be gone. I still have some bad days, but that could be age related and not from my stroke.

Another side effect from the stroke was that in the months following, I gained twenty pounds. Before the stroke, I had been successfully losing a pound a week and was down to 153.

Last fall I began a daily routine of stretching, light exercises and lifting dumbbells. I also began seeing a massage therapist on a regular basis. I credit her with encouraging me to do the stretching exercises, to which I added the weights and other exercises. I know I feel better than I have in a long time. Now, if I could just lose those extra 20+ pounds!

The flowers I received while in the hospital. The "I love you Mommy" roses from my daughter, Kari.

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