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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Admitting It

I saw this on a tweet this morning that had been shared from the original post by the Framingham, MA Public Library. Their quote: "Admit it, we've all asked this question at one point or another."

Not only did it make me chuckle, I knew I was guilty. Time to admit it. And the time I remember most clearly was when we were still living in West Des Moines and Kari was working at Barnes and Noble in Clive.

"There's this book I'm looking for. I don't remember the title, but the cover was red. Or blue, or was sort of a romance, but not really...." Would I have asked anyone else to help me look for that book? Or did I feel okay about looking dumb because it was my daughter? Oh, yes, she was used to such questions. She might even remember the title of the book I was looking for.

I still have some problems finding specific books. Most recently, hunting through the stacks by the author's last name. Not on the regular fiction shelves. Maybe it's in the western section. Nope. Large print? No. True crime? Then I looked again at my book list. Oops, I was looking at the name of the main character, not the author.

Admitting it. 

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