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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Border Collie Dreaming

I wish I could remember my dreams as well as I used to. Mostly, now, I only remember fragments when I first awaken.
May Day morning I was dreaming I was back on the farm and wanting a Border Collie pup. I located one for sale, but it was 1) 70 miles away and 2) more than I could afford. A friend wanted to surprise me by getting it for me, but I spoiled the surprise. I woke up wondering more about why I would dream about a Border Collie pup than remembering, in the dream, if I got one.

I decided I dreamed about BC pups because I recently started following the Herdwick Shepherd on Twitter. I love seeing his photos of England's Lake District, his flock of Herdwick sheep and lambs, and his Border Collies. This photo of a litter of pups is from his Twitter account.

I had a Border Collie mix in the late 70's. Her herding instincts were wasted on my pigs. (You've heard the term pig-headed?) I wish I could have seen her in action with my sheep, but unfortunately Nadette died before I got the sheep.

In Tuesday's post I said I was pretty sure I had seen the male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, today I'm certain I saw one. But he flew before I could take a picture.

But I did get a photo of this Indigo Bunting which made my day. It has been two years since I've seen them at the feeder.

I have the feeling this is a red-letter day, or maybe a red-feather day. Hubby Dearest brought this Cardinal feather in from his morning WUN. (How he refers to his daily walk/run regimen.)

It has been added to the collection.

Now that the weather is staying above freezing and the rain guage is out to stay for the season, I can keep track of totals, just as my Mom did for years. Two point two inches so far, with more in the forecast.

Another reason to believe this is a red-letter day, after 33 days at the same 146.8 weight, the scale finally moved. I'm down to 145.6 this morning. Yay, me.

Spring always brings such a deap-seated feeling of hope and renewal.

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