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Monday, January 8, 2018

Omar Bread

Yesterday on The Forgotten Iowa Historical Society FB page and shared to the You Know You're From Corning, Iowa If... page, was the question, "Does anyone remember Omar* Bread home delivery?"
I wasn't about to share my answer on either of the Facebook pages, but the question brought an immediate memory from my younger days. The above picture is of a 1954 Omar company calendar, which is probably around the time of my memory.
The Omar building in my old hometown was on the Highway 34 curve (before the new 34 went through) about a mile southeast of town. The route drivers would load their trucks there and head out into the countryside. I know, at the time, I thought the bread was baked there, but realize now, it came from the Omar bakery in Omaha.
There had been more than one Omar Man stop at our farm home trying to talk Mom into buying bread or pastries. She always politely told them, "No thanks. I bake my own bread." Some of the salesmen could get annoying with their insistant sales pitches. I remember one of the supervisors even came along one time trying to help the salesman for that area drum up more business. Mom just kept saying, "No, thank you."

Then came the day Dad and Ron were out in the field and Mom, Betty and I were upstairs cleaning. We must have had the vacuum running because we didn't hear a vehicle pull in nor a knock on the door. All of a sudden we heard, "Omar Man" and there was a man halfway up the stairwell. Mom seldom flew off the handle, but she did that day. In no uncertain terms she ordered the guy out of the house and told him to never come back! He must have made a notation next to our name/place, because we were never bothered by any of their salesmen again. 😏

*I learned something when I looked up Omar for some background info: the company name, Omar, came from the lines in Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat:
"A book of verses underneath the bough,
A jug of wine, a loaf of bread - and thou"

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