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Saturday, August 12, 2023

Fourteen Years of Blogging

I began my Chances R blog on August 12, 2009, fourteen years ago today, without the slightest idea what I was doing or how to do it. That first blog post was only a paragraph long because I accidently hit 'publish' and then didn't know how to go back to add more. 

I didn't even have a scanner then so I could not add my own photos, I 'borrowed' ones from the internet and used them. (I still didn't know how to transfer pictures from my first digital camera to my computer.)

A little over a month ago when I realized how close I was to having posted 2000 blogspots, I thought, "Wouldn't it be neat to make my 2000th post on the anniversary of the first one?" So, that is what I've done. But the bigger question as today loomed on the horizon was what to write about to make it significant? (I look back at my 1000th post seven years ago and see I had the same question then.)*

I was pondering the same question last night and again when I got up this morning - what am I going to write about? Meantime I saw this out my window....

.... the beauty of  the clouds reflecting the morning sunrise being further reflected in the water of the pond.

After I got the picture on my computer I noticed the added bonus of a large bird just above the trees on the far right side. Faint, but there, if you click on the picture.

And as it got a bit lighter out, there was mama deer with her twin fawns over along the fence line!

Oh, joy, seeing them!

Once I started taking photos I couldn't stop - which has always been my 'problem'. I love taking pictures. I always have, from the very first time my mom let me use her camera.

I didn't even realize until yesterday that the Naked Ladies were blooming. I had noticed them in other people's yards but not mine!

The few Zinnias I planted from last year's saved seeds are also making a beautiful splash of color. I vow to plant more next year!

It was about this time that I grasped the truth - my blogs always were meant to be, have been, and still are, about the minutiae of my everyday life. Why should my 2000th be any different?

So here it is, #2000. If you noticed, or wondered, about all those posts each day for the last 15 days, now you know why.

Another Zinnia picture - these have started blooming in the planter on the deck - same seeds as the previous photo - but look how small they are. They look like minitures compared to the ones growing in the ground.

Just like I thought after the 1000th post, I've been thinking "Maybe I'll quit now after my 2000th." But I know that's not going to happen. I'll always be taking photos, or finding new poems or remembering another memory, or discovering more relatives and want to write about them.

Plus, I'm starting to see great improvement since my accident and that alone makes me feel more confident and positive about my life and future. 

It's a beautiful day. 💛🌞

(*If I had blogged every day in the past fourteen years, I'd have done more than 5100 posts!)

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