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Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sunday Morning Walk in the Park

It was such a beautiful start to the day - a nice breeze with a temperature in the low 70's, but the humidity was already high.

It was past time to start putting some outdoor miles on the new shoes I got in January. Lake McKinley Park here we come.

Stix was probably thinking, "It's about time we got outside again."
I like starting the trail at the southwest corner. It's not flat, but the hills are gentle.

Down to the where the bridge crosses this little stream, where I see scum on the water here, just like the pond scum yesterday. Isn't it too early in the season for this? Is mother nature trying to tell us something?

Red-winged Black birds were singing conk-la-ree, conk-la-ree.

And these poppies were silently swaying in sunshine and shadow.

I went as far as the corner where the path starts up the hill. I'll save the hilly portions for after I get more used to the trails again.

The windmill blades were really whirring, but I don't think any water was being pumped.

There were many other dog walkers, runners, bicyclists, and joggers who had the same idea as I did - get out early and beat the heat - including this guy striding along on the far side of the lake. Hmm, he looks familiar. 😎

Does the heron even care what the speed limit is? He can probably fly that fast. And he flew just as soon as I started across the dam.

The cottonwoods were rustling so strongly, I thought it was water rushing over the spillway.

I was headed for that path on the left with plans to take it through the woods and back to the car.

Morning sun on the grasses along the stream.

Into the woods a short distance before stopping to take a close-up of one of the last honeysuckle blossoms. I only got this blurry picture before realizing I was being swarmed by biting, sucking mosquitoes and beat a quick retreat. It was not the day for a walk through that area!

I'm sure that tomorrow my knees and hips will tell me I did something I wasn't used to, but I will keep taking Stix and heading for the trails each day until the hips and knees do get used to it. 😅
I have to. Besides, I enjoy it.
Happy Trails to You. 😘

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