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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Cleaning Has Commenced

As noted at the end of June's Book List, company is coming. In fact, they will arrive two weeks from tomorrow. And since I'm only good for two or three hours every morning, cleaning has commenced.

Yesterday it was the stove. I always wipe off the range top every day, but not the pans under the burners or the hood, etc. The oven is self-cleaning, so that's not the chore it used to be. I even slid the stove out, cleaned under it, both sides and the cupboards next to them. Whew!

Today we deep cleaned our bedroom. I say we because I had to have help moving furniture. Walls are swept, trim around the top of them is dusted and floors under where the furniture sets is vacuumed. And the furniture is polished. Again, whew! Oh, yeah, and the window is so clean it looks like it is open.

Tomorrow, the living room? Or my office? If I get a room a day done, I'll make it with time to spare.

It's good to have an impetus to get things done. Having our kids coming from both coasts is wonderful motivation.

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