When I turned the calendar to October this morning, this is the picture that greeted me. For someone who is not crazy about the color blue, I really love Heavenly Blue Morning Glories.
It could be because they are easy to grow, grow fast, grow in poor soil and will cover a large area with few seeds.

This picture of me, Ron and Betty was taken when there was snow on the ground in 1953, but you can see the gate I'm referring to behind Betty.
Grandma loved her flowers and raised many different ones. This gate was her blue morning glory trellis. I don't remember them growing in any other spot.

Morning glories are named for an obvious reason - they bloom in the morning and close up by afternoon unless the day is cloudy. Each bloom lasts only one day. They attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

Mom didn't care for blue clothing any more than I, so it is unusual to have this picture of her dressed in blue with the blue flowers. I think they compliment each other.
I need to find a spot around our new home where I can grow some morning glories next year.
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