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Friday, May 24, 2024

Sooner or Later, Chances Are....

 ..... yes, it is the name of my blog. Originally it was the title I imagined using if I ever got to write a column for the Free Press when I worked there in the mid 90's. I did get to write a number of feature stories while there, but never a column. 

This morning my thoughts are about the chances we have been experiencing the past few days - and maybe well into the summer - the chance that one of those destructive forces from Mother Nature will hit us or our loved ones. Tuesday's bad weather knocked out our internet, t.v. and phone service but we were able to see what was going on because HD (Hubby Dearest) had bought and put up an antenna on our roof a few years ago after another tornado had hit our area and we were without power, i.e., a way of knowing what was going on. So at least we could track the storm and know if anything was headed our way.

But it was the next day before we learned that a woman had been killed in Adams County when her car was blown off the road north of Corning.  (Not someone either of us knew. This photo is from the DM Register.) Adams County was where we lived most of our lives before retiring and moving the Union County. I was concerned about a cousin and his wife near Mt. Etna and was glad when their daughter posted they were okay with only minimal damage. 

The photos and video from Greenfield are unbelievable and so heartbreaking. While at the same time, hopeful and heartwarming - to see how much clean up and temporary repair has been accomplished already - how the willingness to help and generosity are making a difference. 

So while I was aware there were more storms moving through Iowa early this a.m., I didn't think we were in any danger. I did hear some thunder in the night, but not the wind. (We sleep with white noise in our bedroom.) So I was surprised this morning when I saw these photos:

Great-grandsons Greyson and Ayden in a storm shelter in Ankeny.

They live in a mobile home so when the warnings went out their Mom took them to shelter. (Along with the cats.)

We have a storm shelter here in our mobile home park, but we've never used it - even in times when the sirens have gone off. I suppose 'chances are' that behavior might someday catch up with us. 

 A couple hours after the above photo I got this one from their Dad, who lives just outside of Guthrie Center, of tree limbs down just behind his garage and vehicle. Lucky they weren't any closer. 

I've messaged his sisters, one near Cedar Rapids, the other near Davenport, but haven't heard back. I'm sure they are okay and at work, most likely.

I was surprised to see that Iowa had more tornadoes this week than Kansas or Oklahoma. But with all the states and towns being affected by them so far this year, I can understand why FEMA said they will be out of funds by August. By then we'll be well into hurricane season! At least in Iowa we don't have to worry about those. We've already had hurricanes with names of family members - Andrew and Katrina. I see this year is predicted to be above average in number of hurricanes. If they get to the L's younger brother Les(lie), and all the other Leslies out there, will have one named after them. 

As mentioned we did have rain, wind and hail Tuesday. There was a small chunk of siding knocked out of our house. But what we can't figure out is this baseball on the neighbor's deck. Where did it come from? No kids around here and it happened around the same time as the wind and hail. Is it possible the ball was picked up by one of the tornadoes and then dropped later? Even though we didn't have a tornado close by? One of those mysteries I'll probably never know the answer to. 

Mother Nature is powerful, unpredictable and many faceted.

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