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Sunday, May 26, 2024

It Is About The Flowers


If you've ever wondered why Memorial Day is celebrated in May, there are two reasons: On May 5, 1868, Decoration Day was established as a time to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers.  It is thought that May 30th was the date chosen to do so because more flowers would be in bloom at that time.

Decoration Day officially became Memorial Day in 1967. In 1968 the holiday was moved from May 30 to the last Monday in May.

Poppies are a symbol of remembrance of veterans for both Memorial Day and Veterans Day. My first poppy bloomed this morning, just at the right time. 

I took a walk around the house to photograph all the other flowers in bloom.

The miniature yellow rose is full of buds, but the leaves have been decimated by, most likely, Japanese Beetles. Though I didn't see any on the foliage they love rose bushes and I have seen hundreds of them on the red rose bush in past years.

The small start of sedum I transferred here from Mom's plants on the farm have spread all over, including between the stepping stones...

....and pictured here, around and on, the metate my Aunt Leona gave me. The grinding stone is one she found sometime after they moved to Arizona in the early 60's. 

The white flower is the blossom of Snow on the Mountain. (AKA, Bishop's Weed or Goutweed.)

Still on the south side of the house, the chive blossoms are fading. They too are spreading from the small plant I began with.

I have the new mulch to put between the stepping stones, I just haven't done it yet.

Continuing on are my "ditch daisies" which are usually a large mass in this area. This year there are only a few plants and the blooms don't seem as large as usual.

But it is okay. At least some survived and I still love these happy little 'weeds' as most probably consider them.

That metal is one of the handles and connecting bar of the old hand plow Bud found in the dumpster and rescued for me. 💝

A couple of the snapdragons I had in a row in front of the old plow last year survived so I moved them to my Great-grandmother Matilda's iron kettle.

I love the color of these and I'm so glad I saved the old bean pot even though it was almost rusted through the bottom when we moved from the farm. 

The bottom is gone now but it is still a viable and venerable planter. 

A little past the above planter are my Blanket Flowers (Gaillardia) which I also transplanted. These from a vacant spot down the street. 

I had them when we lived in Valley Junction (West Des Moines) and always liked the cheerfulness of their colors.

That is a Day Lily bud getting ready to bloom at the left side.

Around to the other side of the house - I knew the Peonies were in bloom because I brought a bouquet into the house a few days ago.

But what about the red roses? Ah, looks like they are just beginning to bloom. It also looks like something has been nibbling on their leaves, too. 

The aforementioned Peony bush. Between the roses and the peonies, the perfumed air smells so good here.

Peeking between the two peony blossoms is some Wild Columbine, also known as Eastern Columbine.

This plant has self-seeded from the original one near the mailbox. That one was one I moved here from the farm which was originally moved there from my sister-in-law Ruthie's shade garden.

Ten or so years ago my niece Kristi gave me a start of this plant. At the time she told me what she thought it was, which I don't recall now, but I didn't think it could be what she said.

I searched for the right name a long time and at last know it is Celandine Poppy. It easily self seeds and is now in several locations around our house.

The magenta Clematis is doing very well with many blooms already and plenty of buds. I does seem to like this location overlooking the pond and the very verdant lawn, pasture and trees beyond. I was so worried of the drought continuing but we have had a lot of rain. (Another .55 last night.)

This is the only pot I've planted so far this season. Usually it is salmon geraniums but this year they are pink - with an accent plant of Sprengeri Asparagus Fern.

I did also get some Blue Verbena plants for the two matching deck planters. I keep rocks in these to discourage the squirrels from storing their acorns later in  the year. 

It is quite possible I will get some more of my pots planted in the coming days - I'm now more in the mood to do so. 😊

My granddaughter sent me new pics of her boys last night.

It is quite possible that her message saying they plan to come to Iowa in three weeks has contributed to my good mood.

I am so ready to meet Henri Oliver and hold him for the first time.

As well as seeing Louis again. He has grown so much. Has it really been more than a year since I saw him last?

If so, I've got some catching up to do - if he'll stand still long enough. 😍

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