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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

So This Happened Yesterday


Three or so weeks ago I was certain I would not be buying plants and filling my pots this year. The weather wasn't conducive and I just plain didn't feel up to it.

The only pot I had planted was this large green one which year after year holds geraniums and some kind of accent plant.

I thought that was going to be the extent of it.

Until yesterday. 😄

Moving left from the above and across the edge of the deck which faces the pond - I repotted the Mother's Day flowers from Preston and Shalea.

I thought they needed to be in a larger pot so they went into the empty pot my last year's Mother's Day flowers from them came in. 

Next to the container of hen and chicks that came from my mother-in-law's home after she died, and before the house sold, is a pretty purple Dianthus.

I have wanted to have these flowers again so it was time. They will winter over, so, fingers crossed.

I used the pot that had held the geraniums from Shalea and Preston for some bright Salvia.

These were on clearance for a dollar so I got eight salvia plants for $2.00.

That's more like what prices used to be!

The other five Salvia plants went into this large pot in front of a piece of driftwood I've had forever.

The hanging tray was given to me by some old friends. Around the edges it reads: "Cares of life/Slip away/In the beauty/Of a garden."I don't know its intended purpose, maybe a bird bath as it does hold water, but I have some of my collected rocks in it.

The above scene is along the north side of the deck on the right.

Between it and the green planter of geraniums are these two hanging planters of petunias.

Those who know me will be surprised by my color choice. I hardly ever choose anything but shades of pink. I even surprised myself with these lavendar blue ones.

From the large deck at the back of the house, all the way along the side to the corner by the steps going down to the patio, sits the base - the unbroken part - of a bird bath.

I tried to match a pot to the base and this is as close as I came. In it is more Dianthus - a beautiful deep purple/pink color.

Stair-stepping down to the patio are these three matching planters - large, medium and small. They have held salmon colored Impatiens, my favorites, each year.

Inpatiens do best in shade which is why they are here. Did I say salmon? I thought they were all salmon, but each four plant container from the nursery had one pink one. Those two plants went into the baby pot on the bottom step.

The old mailbox my parents had on the farm has been my herb container on the patio many years.

It always contains a basil plant. This healthy speciman was given to me by my daughter-in-law, Shelly.

On the left side is a small rosemary plant - for remembrance. 

Then my Celtic pot and another Dianthus, with some more hen and chicks and ditch daisies in the flower bed below.

Another pot of bargain (clearance) Dianthus.

This is a mystery pot. There were no blooms on it so I don't know what color the flowers will be.

An old pot of Mom's and more of the blue/purple petunias.

It doesn't show in the photo, but the pot is also a light blue.

Lastly is this concrete planter with a couple of geraniums. I think it looks like it needs either another geranium or an accent plant.

So maybe I'm not done planting yet. 😊

But I'm happy with the results so far and I am actually feeling better for having accomplished what I did.

I also see a lot of watering in my future. 😍

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