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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Memorial Weekend - Cemeteries and Company


Over the years we have established a routine of going to the cemeteries on Saturday morning of Memorial Weekend. The first stop is at East Fairview Cemetery in Lenox where Bud's parents and many of his uncles and aunts are buried. When he went to decorate his parents' graves, he found the exact same flowers already there. His sister had also brought Mom and Dad bouquets. The little flags were for his uncles' graves - the ones who served in WWII.

"I know who'll put flowers on my grave, but who will put flowers on yours?" 

That was a question my Grandma Delphia asked me when I was taking her to decorate graves when she was in her 90's. It was her way of letting me know she appreciated me taking her to the cemeteries and seeing that there were flowers there. I was surprised that no one else had yet been to Grandma and Grandpa Ridnour's gravesite in Maple Grove Cemetery north of Guss. Usually there are several floral offerings already. But then even we grandchildren are aging, so maybe it's not too surprising. And now I can answer Grandma's question: "No one. Because I won't have a gravesite." At least that's my plan if my children and husband follow through with my wishes.

Our next stop was at Prairie Rose Cemetery SW of Corning to decorate the graves of my parents and sister and nephew. I don't know why I didn't take pictures there. We also stopped at Walnut Grove Cemetery in Corning where Bud and I both have family members. Again, no pics.

The final stop was at Oakland Cemetery south of Quincy where we both have relatives buried. I put flowers on Grandma Bessie's and Grandpa George's graves as well as Aunt Leona and Aunt Evelyn's graves. They were Dad's sisters.

All the way from the cemetery in Guss to Corning to Quincy and home past Lake Icaria and through Prescott, we could see evidence of Tuesday's tornado - the path tracking southwest to northeast. Damage to homes and businesses and outbuildings and so very, very much tree damage. At one property east of Lake Icaria almost all the trees were down or had lost limbs but the house had practically no damage. They were fortunate. 

We were expecting a visit from granddaughter, Dominique and her husband Ian, so next stop was home. We had so much fun visiting with these two.

Dom brought us a loaf of her homemade honey mustard bread which we couldn't wait to try. It is so good.

I know what I'll be having for supper - a slice of cheese between two slices of this bread. Mm-m

They were only here a couple of hours, but as I said, we really had a good time visiting with them.

Ian had just gotten his new truck this week so I had to get a picture of them with it before they left.

They left with: "We'll be back to see you again and I'll send you a copy of that picture I took of all of us."

And here it is, just in time for me to add to the end of this post. I don't know what we have in store for the next two days of this holiday weekend, but it certainly started off well - a mix of honoring those for whom the holiday was founded - and enjoying the company of family. May your weekend be similar. 

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