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Monday, May 27, 2024

Appropiate for Memorial Day



It seemed to me very appropriate that this beautiful Mourning Dove was on the deck this morning.

What could be more apropos for remembering and honoring lost loved ones on Memorial Day?

"And there my little doves did sit, with feathers softly brown and glittering eyes that showed their right to general nature's deep delight." Elizabeth Barret Browning

When I wrote about going to the cemeteries Saturday to decorate the graves, I mentioned that I had forgotten to take a picture of my parents' gravesite. This is the one I took last year. Dad's funeral and burial took place 46 years ago today.

And when I was showing the photos of my flowers around both sides of our house yesterday, I should have shown a picture of how much the ferns, snow on the mountain, hostas and other plants have filled in more than half the north side.

Neighbors Neva and Russell Vogel had ferns all along the north side of their house. I thought they were remarkable and always wished I had some like them.

After they died and their daughter and son-in-law & family moved there, they were taking all the ferns out. I stopped and asked if I could have a few. Which is how I got a start of them when we still lived on Mom's farm. I only had a few plants to transfer when we moved here in 2008, but they have finally expanded. And I love them. They remind me of Neva and her gracious and kind mien.

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