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Saturday, September 8, 2018

Wild September Continuation ---

-- or, what happens when two old friends get together.

Slightly off-topic, but after a week of rain (9.75" total in our guage) it is so nice to have sunny blue skies and white clouds.

My friend Kristina arrived for a visit between rains on Labor Day, which was also her birthday.
The rainy weather may have curtailed some activities, but not our gabbing. It only moved the location from the deck to the, out of the rain, patio.

As always, our conversations range from, first, catching up, then, reminiscing (we have been friends 40+ years), on to serious and frivolous.

There is always laughter - and some tears. But seldom, ditzy-ness. This year we did go from the sublime to the ridiculous and it was all my fault.

Somewhere in our convos I had told, then shown, her the geode gifted me in July - also about the scary "middle-of-the-night, two-men-between-our-houses, neighbor's-stolen-wallet" saga related in my previous blog post.

She was taking her dog to the back yard via the side yard and I said when they got back I would show her the two big geodes I had which had been my grandmother's.

I had no problem locating this one, right next to Lily's lilies, as I knew it was, but I couldn't find the other one. Obviously, it was under some of the lush, summer foliage - but I looked, looked again and still couldn't find it.
Then, my mind went there - obviously those two middle-of-the-night, up-to-no-good thieves had stolen my geode! Kristina and Bobby came back and I showed her this geode and told her the other one was gone. "Those two blankety-blanks must have taken it!"

I was so upset and she commiserated with me before heading on down the street for a longer walk. I was flummoxed, wondering why in the heck someone would pick up a heavy rock unless they were going to use it to break something. I decided I was being silly, went searching in the flower bed again until.....

.....I found it! And moved it from where it had been hiding before heading toward my friend to tell her. She was down the street aways, motioning me, 'come here' and tipping her head toward another house - in front of which were pieces of a geode. She thought for certain she had found my rock - broken up to reveal the glittery interior while also disguising its original look.

We came back laughing about it and telling Bud. Needless to say, he had fun teasing us during the rest of her stay. And, I know, it won't be forgotten during future visits. All one of us will have to say is geodes and the snickering will begin again.

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