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Monday, September 16, 2024

Perfect September

"All the months are crude experiments, out of which the perfect September is made."  (Virginia Wolff)

This beautiful Monday morning I did what I mentioned five days ago - took myself for a drive out into the countryside.

A half mile after stopping for this picture, I paused on a bridge to see how much water was in the little stream -- and scared up a big blue heron.

Of course I missed a perfect photo op! 

The countryside around here is a sea of yellow in every direction.

I think these are Prairie Sunflowers.

Goldenrod is also plentiful along the roadsides.

As is Chicory - one of the few colors of blue that I like.

These were along the road between Green Valley Lake and Summit Lake.

A broader view of the wetlands between the aforementioned lakes.

Before driving across the dam at Green Valley Lake, I stopped to take this photo of the sun sparkling on the water.

It was even brighter than it photographs.

Grasses are among my favorite sights during the fall months.

I love their subdued colors.

Combo pic of Prairie Sunflowers, Goldenrod and grasses.

Home after my brief expedition to be greeted by these clouds and some changing colors across the pond.

"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order." (John Burroughs)

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