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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Meeting Everly Jane



Is there anything sweeter than meeting a new great-grandchild?

Everly Jane will be one month old tomorrow. She is only the third great-granddaughter among ten great-grandsons.

Could she be any cuter? Sweeter? Not in this great-grandma's book. 

She was awake when we got there and I scooped her right up.

A little better photo of me and a good example of how well she holds her head up - which isn't surprising because she was doing that at birth.

Grandpa Bud even held her though she was wanting her bottle at this point.

From right to left - my grandson Devin, his wife Jessica holding her son Oakley and me holding Everly.

It was a short visit but long on delight. 

Addendum - An additional picture of great-grandpa Bud and Everly.

Looks like they are having a meeting of the minds. 

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