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Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Day After the First Workday of Spring

Today has been cool, cloudy, windy and now rainy. Which may be a good thing the way I feel. Yesterday was gorgeous. Which is why I finally accomplished some much needed outside work. Work that my winter softened muscles weren't used to.
I don't yet have pictures of yesterday's plantings and improvements so I'll show some I took of the new perennials I planted last year.
This has to be one of my very favorites - one because of its name - "Linum" - and two because of its delicate little flowers and foliage. 'Blue Flax' is its common name. It begins each morning covered with flowers. They drop off by evening. The next day a whole new batch blooms. It seems to have a very good start in my flower bed which makes me happy. (One of the things I accomplished yesterday was trimming the grass along the pavers.)

This purple Creeping Phlox was already here when we moved in. It is right underneath our mailbox. It must like the cool, wet spring because it is much fuller this year. The big rock is one of the few which made the move with us.

Three of the five new Iris I bought on the trip Kristi, Jesse & I took to the Rainbow Iris Farm last year bloomed. The top one is 'Magic Bubbles'. The almost black one is 'Devil Baby'. 'Trifle' had already bloomed. I don't think the other two are going to bloom this year, but at least they survived the winter. Bloomfest! 2010 will still be going on while Kari & Ken are here. They both love Iris. I'm going to make sure we get there one of the days they are here. They'll love the "Irish Farm" as Jesse calls it.
Our weather is supposed to be sunny and warm by Tuesday. By then I should have the kinks worked out and be ready for another round of home improvements.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, a trip to the "Irish farm" is definitely in order!
