If Kari Leigh had been born on her due date 41 years ago, she not only would have been born on Mother's Day, she would have been born on her parent's 1st anniversary.
Dennis Edward Fleming and I were married 42 years ago today. His brother Chuck was the minister at the Fairview Christian Church south of Pleasantville, Iowa. (I thought it was ironic that I was married in two different 'Fairview' churches.)
Denny and I met when his parents moved to Corning the summer before his senior year in high school. We were both in Journalism and both on the school paper. We were friends, but never dated. After graduation he went to Iowa State University and I married Kenny and had Doug. This picture of the three of us was taken in December, 1968.
When Doug & I moved to Cedar Rapids every time I drove past the "Vinton - 13 miles" directional sign I thought of Denny - someone had told me he was a teacher at Vinton High School. I finally wrote him a letter in care of the school. It took awhile for him to answer because he had left Vinton for a teaching position at Hillside Junior High in West Des Moines. My letter was forwarded to him there.
We had a somewhat whirlwind courtship - from our first date until our wedding was little longer than two months. We had gotten engaged, but didn't plan on getting married right away. The change in his draft status, from 2-A to 1-A made the difference. The Vietnam war was escalating after the Tet Offensive. By marrying me and taking on the responsibility of my son, his draft status was no longer 1-A. He wouldn't have to worry about being sent to a war we were both against.
Our marriage didn't last long. Our divorce became final on May 10, 1974 - the day before what would have been our sixth anniversary. I have wondered if we would even have married had we waited longer and gotten to know each other better. But then I wouldn't have my daughter and youngest son. I can't imagine my life without them in it.
I see Grandma's Kitchen didn't change that much over the years. Dad looks so young...but do I detect a receding hairline even at that young age??