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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Quarantine and Isolation

Quarantined and shelter-in-place are two terms we've heard alot since the coronavirus, aka Covid-19 arrived on our shores in January.
I have hesitated using those terms because of my interpretation of what they mean. I think of shelter-in-place as finding a safe spot where you are during something like a storm or an active threat from danger in your neighborhood, like gunfire.

And quarantined I relate to 'back-in-the-day' before vaccines and antibiotics, when diseases like measles, scarlet fever, diptheria, poliomyelitis and influenza killed hundreds of thousands.

Quarantine meant the local health department tacked a sign on your door forbidding anyone from going out or coming in. It was a sign of shame.
Now, it is more an effort to separate and restrict the movements of those who have, or may have, been exposed to coronavirus to see if they become ill.
This is why I prefer the term self isolation for what the majority of us are doing - voluntarily staying in our homes, away from others, in order not to contract nor spread the virus.

This has been comparatively easy for me, retired, and a homebody at heart. I've changed my shopping from once a week to once every three weeks. We never have had alot of company, or gone out to eat or visit others. So, self-isolating hasn't been difficult.

What I do miss and wish for are more photos of  my great-grandchildren. Seeing those cute faces on my computer really brightens the day. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, my grandchildren have not posted as many pictures of their children as they used to. I hope that changes.

The only one I have seen pictures of recently is our youngest, Maverick, shared by his daddy, Evan, and titled "My little bear."

And this one of his big sister, Lily, working at home and "missing going to school".

Whether you say you're quarantined or sheltering in place or self-isolating really doesn't matter. We are all going to be so happy when we can freely and safely move about again.

Stay well.

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