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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland is the best way to describe this morning's beauty. Frost covered everything. Even the guy wires of the tower north of the YMCA were covered in frost. This picture of Hurley Creek looks west from the Lincoln St bridge.

Frost like this is what I always heard referred to as hoar frost. I assume it was foggy last night and the cold air caused the frost to form. A meteorologist could explain it - condensation, warmer air, cold air, ice crystals formed. To me it is just plain pretty.

I do wonder about the term hoar frost. All I find is a reference to white or grey hair. I've probably taken a hundred pictures of frost and ice scenes during my lifetime; usually pictures of trees. And I'll most likely keep taking them as long as I'm able.
The top picture of frost on a window reminds me of when we were kids. We'd get up on a cold winter morning and Mom would say, "Jack Frost came to visit." We would look out on the east porch where the morning sun would be shining through the row of windows highlighting the fern-like designs.

It seemed no two were the same; just like snowflakes. The designs were so delicate, so varied. Again, I know it has something to do with condensation and cold weather, but what causes those gorgeous patterns?
Eventually we would blow our hot breath on the window, or put our warm hands and fingertips on the window changing the designs to create our own. I suppose with the new double paned windows and warmer houses kids don't do that much anymore.
It is supposed to be foggy again overnight. Another winter wonderland tomorrow? Another batch of pictures?

1 comment:

  1. I remember making designs of my own when I was little so there is still hope yet!
    I read your blog just about everyday and the days I don't I feel like I missed something during my day.
