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Monday, June 10, 2024

There Is Something About Morning Light

Am I just one of few who notice how and what the early morning light plays up? How it shines like a spotlight on one object or like this a.m., just a shaft quietly insisting "look at me". I feel I'm in good company when my favorite female poet has also found inspiration in the morning light. 

Morning Light

Every morning
 the good news
   through the field

 every blossom
  every stem
   and each of them,

on the instant
 offers to be part of it—
  offers to lift and hold, willingly
   the vast burden of light

all day.
 In my life
  I have never seen it to fail—
   flower after flower

leaf after pearly leaf,
 to the acre,
  to the massy many,
   is silvered, is flooded;

and such voices
 spangle among it—
  larks and sparrows—
   all those small souls—

are everywhere
 tossing the quick wheels of pleasure
  from their red throats
   as they hang on—

as though on little masts
 of golden ships,
  to the tops of the weeds—
   and that’s when I come—

that’s when I come, crying out to the world:
 oh give me a corner of it
  to lift also, to sing about, to touch
   with my wild hands—and they do.

Not long after the stone butterfly my daughter-in-law Shelly gave me was highlighted, I saw my first black swallowtail of the year. I took that as another sign, just in case I had missed the first one.   

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