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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Living On Island Time


The book I am currently reading is set on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands.  Not only is it bringing back long ago memories, I am learning things about the island that I did not know.

I've written about my one trip to the Virgin Islands fifty-six years ago (February 2010 blog) as well as mentioning the several trips my son Douglas and daughter-in-law Shelly have made there.

(Photo from my son's FB page.)

But I was not aware of the Reef Bay Trail petroglyphs until I read about them in this book.

I would love to have seen those. I asked Doug if he had and he said he had not - "The elevation change of the two mile is brutal and the day we were planned to hike it was too hot."

(Photo from National Park Service page.)

It would be wonderful to make a trip back to the islands and see all the changes since I first saw them. But that is not in the cards for me.

So I'll get back to my book and travel there via it. (As I do in almost every book I read - which is why I love reading.)

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