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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Grandma Delphia and her VO5


It was while I was in the shower this morning, putting conditioner on my hair and thinking about a sitcom viewed recently where a woman lamented about how many minutes she had to wait before rinsing out the conditioner that I remembered Grandma Delphia and her devotion to Alberto VO5. I'm guilty of not waiting that long so I probably don't get the full benefits of my conditioner. But Grandma Ridnour left her conditioner in which I guess it was designed for.

And just as I once wrote about my Mom shampooing and conditioning her Dad's (Grandpa Joe's) hair I realized she had done the same for her Mother.

I remember watching her shampoo grandma's hair as she bent over the kitchen sink; how Mom would rinse out the shampoo and then apply the VO5 except that instead of rinsing it out after a few minutes, it was left in Grandma's hair. I always thought it looked (and maybe felt) greasy. I knew it was something I would never use. But Grandma swore by it.

In the process of searching to see if VO5 was even still manufactured, I learned what the name stands for - the five vitamin oils in it: Sunflower seed oil, Mango seed oil, Sweet almond oil, Rosemary leaf oil and Chamomile flower oil. I don't remember how it smelled, but it must have been very good. The vitamins include B3, C, E, B5 and Biotin. 

I do remember Mom trying VO5 for awhile, but not always as Grandma did. And even though years later, when I began doing the same shampooing and conditioning for her as she stood over her kitchen sink and then drying and curling her hair for her.  I don't remember what shampoo and conditioner she used in those later years and I probably didn't think of it as a gift of love and care as I now realize, it was just something a daughter did for her mother. (As the mother had once done for her daughters.)

I took Mom's electric curling iron to the funeral home and did her hair for her one last time. I did it for her and for myself - the last thing I could do for her. 💔

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