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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Imbolc, St. Bridget's Day, Groundhog Day


While most are interested in whether or not the groundhog saw his shadow thereby predicting an early spring or six more weeks of winter, I'm not one of those. It's only 46 days until spring, that's all I care about. By the way, the photo is of the opossom that was on our deck last week, not a groundhog.

Imbolc began last evening and continues today which traditionally is St. Bridget's Day.

In the Celtic seasonal calendar Imbolc marks the beginning of lambing season, Spring and the start of new life.

It is the promise of renewal, of earth awakening and the returning light. 

It is time to let go of the past and look to the future, clear out the old and begin spring cleaning.

You may have noticed I managed to post a blog every day in January. I do not plan to keep that up this month. I'm going to try to finish that sorting I began before my hip replacement last fall then continue right into some deep cleaning.

Yesterday was a good start. It was a good day for me. I felt like cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, etc. - all those housewifery duties. Why can't I feel like that everyday? Why do I have to have days when it is all I can do to make the bed and fix lunch? 

I really believe the weather has a lot to do with how I feel which is why I am so looking forward to warmer days, sunshine, spring flowers and getting outside. 

It won't be long before these daffodils will be poking through the ground again. 

I will be picking bouquets of violets and plum blossoms and filling the planters with annuals.

But until then, I'll hope for more good days than bad and getting lots of spring cleaning out of the way.

As quickly as the days pass, Spring will be here before we know it. - forty five and a half days now. 

Imbolc Blessings to all of us.

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