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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Better Check Your Auto Insurance Renewal

 A few months ago I started seeing pop ups like "new laws affect your insurance rates". I figured they were just click bate and never opened any. But our auto renewal policy arrived recently and I took the time to read it. On the 4th page was a paragraph headed "A New Auto Pricing Plan is available in Your State". It stated that if we were interested in learning if we qualified we should call to request a no-obligation quote.

Cutting to the chase: I called, spent about 20 minutes with a very gracious customer service rep and got our annual insurance rate cut almost in half! The renewal rate was more than $100 a month, so it is a substantial savings. I was elated; could hardly believe it. So, my advice: read your policy and call your agent. 

Other updates: Last Saturday, after setting in the frigid temps for almost ten days, my car wouldn't start.  HD used the jumper cables and got me going. I wanted to drive a few miles to get the battery charged up, so I went out to Green Valley Lake.

I was curious to see if there was any open water for the geese and found a much smaller area than usual. I'm not sure what kind of ducks those were, but I think Northern Pintail.

I don't care how cold it gets and how long it stays cold, you would not catch me driving out on the lake to ice fish. Of course, I wouldn't walk out on the frozen lake to fish, either. Those tents did make for a colorful photo though.

Did you know more fish are caught through the ice than in open water? That's according to the Iowa DNR. I suppose it makes sense, the fish would be hungrier in winter. 

This little guy is the BIG NEWS of the week.

Our 10th great-grandchild was born a week ago today.

I was so sure the baby would be a girl, possibly because we already had seven great-grandsons and only two great-granddaughters.

He arrived a week early, but at a very healthy 8lbs, 13ozs and 21 inches.

Here he is at one week old. You can't imagine how much I am looking forward to seeing him in person. Hopefully the week after we have our second covid vaccinations.

The biggest surprise - what touches me the most - is his name - Louis - which was my Dad's name. Though I think it is more because Louis is my son's middle name and the baby's middle name is Edward which was my son's dad's middle name.

So Louis Edward was named for his grandpa, great-grandpa and great-great-grandfather. To go a bit further, he was born the day after my younger brother's birthday and his middle name is also Louis.  Oh, baby.

Spring and meeting a new great-grandson and the end to self-isolating to look forward to. How could a week get any better?

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