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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Vander Veer Botanical Park

A few months ago my granddaughter Deise moved to Davenport, IA to be near her boyfriend. He shared this photo of the two of them "Exploring Vanderveer Park Christmas lights".  Just reading that sent my memories back to the summer before I turned 10 years old.

My Dad's sister and family had moved to Davenport. Grandma Lynam had been spending some time with them so we went over to bring her back home. It was a mini-vacation for us, staying a few days, seeing the sights, enjoying time away from farm chores.

This photo of Grandma, my sister Betty on the left, and me looking at my feet, was taken on the back stoop of my Aunt and Uncle's house on N. Ripley Street.

I remember those days as ones of freedom. With my cousins as guides, we were allowed to roam the neighborhood, being introduced to their friends, and, best of all, walking to nearby Vander Veer Botanical Park.

The main draw for me were the swans in the park lagoon. I could sit and watch their graceful swimming for hours. I also liked the park fountain and all the pretty flower beds.

Mom, Grandma and my aunt walked over with us the first time we went. I know Mom was concerned about us crossing the busy intersection at the southwest corner of the park. But there were crossing lights and we assured her we would always be very careful.

One of my cousin's friends lived near the park. He had a sister my age. We became instant friends in the way only total strangers can, bonding over books and whatever else we were into at that age. I remember one afternoon it started raining so she invited me in to see her room. I was already in awe of their house. It seemed like a mansion to me - a stately Dutch Colonial if my memory serves.

Another of my cousin's friends lived just across the driveway from my relatives. Cousin Butch had been telling Jack about me even before we got there. What Butch had told him was that I had a hot  temper, which his friend decided he wanted to see for himself. So day after day he did his best to make me mad, but I kept my cool. Finally he did or said something that really got to me and I slapped him. His look was one of astonishment, but he got to see my temper - just what he wanted. For the rest of the time we were there he left me alone - just what I wanted!

As much as I enjoyed seeing Zachary's pictures of their walk exploring the Christmas lights in Vander Vere Park, I equally enjoyed the prompt they gave me of memories from a summer sixty-six years ago.

(Out of curiousity, I used Google Earth to see if their house was still there. What I found was an area of apartment buildings and parking lots. Perhaps part of the St. Ambrose University complex.)

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