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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Teddy Bear's Picnic

♫ If you go out in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise.
 If you go out in the woods today,  you'd better go in disguise.
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic. 
 If you go out in the woods today, you'd better not go alone. ♫

Before my daughter came for this year's Christmas in July, I told her I had been keeping a list of things I wanted to do while she was here. One of those items was "have a picnic, just the two of us -some quiet spot by a pond." I had the pond near where we had lived in 'The Little House' in mind, but knew I wasn't up for the trek across the field to get there.

Then I remembered the small county park not far from our house. I had been there several times and never once had there been anyone else around. It was possible there might be some disc golf players there though because a course had been built since last time I was there.

But we had it all to ourselves. We crossed the little foot bridge, looking for a site to picnic. It was too shady and muddy on that side.

Back across the bridge we went, led by this pretty little blue damselfly.

The picnic tables were all in the sun, so we ended up spreading a blanket under a tree.

Our picnic was more "A jug of wine, a loaf of bread and thou"  (The Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyám) than the Teddy Bear's picnic. Kari brought a bottle of her favorite champagne to celebrate, belatedly, my 75th and her 50th birthdays. She had mentioned Veuve Clicquot several times over the years but I doubted I would ever taste it because it is rather pricey. It was very nice, special because we enjoyed it together. Did I know "Veuve Clicquot means The Widow Clicquot?" No I did not. (Madame Clicquot's history is an interesting read.)

This little toad hopped away, disturbed by our presence when Kari shook out the blanket.

A bread, wine and cheese picnic has always been my favorite kind. With the addition of grapes and olives, this one with my daughter was perfect*. We reminisced about the past, talked about the present and future, laughed and shared the love of our special mother/daughter bond.

* Everything I'd hoped for.  💞💕

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