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Thursday, January 10, 2019

A Hard Habit To Break

Forty years. Forty years, at least, during which I have developed a habit that will be very hard to break, but I think it is about time.
No, it isn't smoking, I quit that forty-six years ago this month. But I think this habit will be almost as hard to break as smoking was. I only smoked on and off for twenty-two years. I've been recycling for at least forty years.

I chart my recycling habit as beginning when we moved back to Adams County in 1978, though I remember some limited recycling while still living near Grimes - for instance saving newspapers for Boy Scout paper drives.

But on an empty lot down on John Street in Corning, there were some dumpsters similar to the one above. At that time, as I recall, the only things that were recyclable were newspapers, cardboard, clear glass bottles and jars, tin and aluminum cans and #1 and #2 plastics, like milk jugs. I already considered myself an environmentalist, so being able to recycle some of what otherwise would have gone to a landfill was something I valued and respected.

More items are now acceptable and curbside recycling is more available which has made it easier for most. Before curbside, in the town where I now live, those large recycling dumpsters were in the parking lots of two of the grocery stores until the store managers got tired of cleaning up after all the people who just couldn't follow the recycling rules.

Because of where I live, I still have to take my recyclables to the Waste Management recycling dumpster on the west edge of town which is not too far from me. I sort the cans, plastics, glass, paper into individual bags as they are accumulated so when I go I can just empty them into the right bins. As you can see, it is about time for me to do so again. And it may be the last time for me.

We have dumpsters throughout our neighborhood, one of which is right across the street. It is picked up (emptied) twice a week. I may, if I can convince myself that the small amounts I recycle aren't going to save our planet, begin putting all our trash in it. Part of the reason will be because of the convenience and my 'creeping up on me' age.

But the other reason will be because of a news story last month about how so much of the nation's recycling goes to the landfill anyway, because of contamination. Even if I carefully rinse out my recyclables they can still end up in the trash because others don't. That coupled with the total disregard by many who don't follow the guidelines for recycling- window glass and mirrors in the glass bin, plastic bags in the paper bin, cardboard boxes not broken down in the cardboard bin, etc. - which ruins the effort of those of us who do follow the rules.

Recycling is going to be a very hard habit for me to break. 😢😠💔

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