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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Homecoming Weekend Reunion

Last Sunday, thanks to the Facebook 'On This Day' feature, I was reminded that five years ago my younger brother was here for his class reunion. That 'made the penny drop' - the 'Class of 1972 Reunion' info I had been seeing was HIS class. I sent him a message: "Are you coming? Do you want to stay with us?"
As the week progressed more messages and phone calls jelled the plans. He would stay in Corning with our older brother, but thought we should get together because "It's been seven years since we were all in the same room" and "you never know, it might be our last time."
One of the Homecoming Weekend activities in our old hometown was a tour of the Opera House which was featuring a photography exhibit. We agreed to meet there. Ron and I had seen the Opera House since its resurrection and refurbishment, but Les had not.
I love looking at art work, paintings, photography, sculpture, whatever. It interests me. But the exhibit wasn't just current photographs, there two long rows of tables with old black and white photos, most 8 x 10's. The sign asked for help in identifying people in the photos.
Looking at those old pictures, trying to recall the names of once familiar faces was so absorbing I forgot to take pictures of the pictures or of the Opera House. Between Ron and I, we managed to identify quite a number of people - quite the trip down memory lane.

From there, we went to lunch, where I did remember to get the camera out. It was fun being with my brothers, doing the reminiscing thing you naturally do and noting that we were together on what would have been our sister's 72nd birthday.

Les was attending his 45th class reunion dinner last night, where I'm sure he had a good time. My good time was the reunion with my brothers, Homecoming was just the vehicle.

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