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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Never Too Old To Learn Something New

I was 'yesterday' years old when I learned....something I should have known from the time I played office as a young girl and knew I wanted one day to be a secretary. Yesterday I started a new book, The Secrets We Kept, about two women secretaries in the CIA's typing pool who became spies during the Cold War. On page eight I read: "Secretary: a person entrusted with a secret. From the Latin secretus, secretum." How did I never make that connection? Me, a lover of words and their etymology.

Even my innate curiosity never caused me to delve into the meaning of the word. It had to be because I knew what a secretary was and what she did. But never did I associate the word secretary with the word secret. I feel like a dunce. But I also feel delighted. I have been a secretary. I have been/am a keeper of secrets. 

Wanting to know, to understand, to be aware also turned me into a news junkie. Eight years ago when cheeto became the top banana, I read all the headlines and stories about his most current faux pas. I would get upset, incredulous, etc. But this time around, during his second administration (and even worse actions) I skip reading anything about the turmoil he promotes, opting instead to read stories like these:

All about the plan to move the Locust Creek Covered Bridge to Pershing State Park. 

Look Bud. They're moving our covered bridge. 

We stopped at Locust Covered Bridge State Historical Site between Laclede and Meadville, Missouri in July, 2019. I wrote about it here:

Bud took and shared this photo of me on Facebook saying I was "looking for Clint Eastwood". Referencing Clint's roll as Robert Kincaid in The Bridges of Madison County.

The General John J. Pershing Boyhood Home State Historic Site is located in Laclede. I doubt my children remember stopping there to see the home of Black Jack Pershing in the mid 1970's, but I do. Just as I remember learning about his military experiences and achievements in grade school and high school. I doubt he is mentioned in today's classrooms.

Pershing State Park is three miles west and south of Laclede and covers more than 5000 acres of wetland prairie, a meandering stream, sloughs and a bottomland forest. I'm going to assume the covered bridge will be situated across the stream somewhere in those 5000 acres. 

I'm not too old to learn about the plans for the Locust Creek Covered Bridge; just too old to see it in its new location.

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