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Monday, December 30, 2024

The Year Pictured - 2024

Most years I choose one of my most liked photos to represent each month. These are my pick pics for 2024.....

January 10 - snow on the ground and ice on the trees.

February 20 - swans at Green Valley Lake! A first for me.

I sent my photo to WHO-13 and it was used during their weather segment.

And that brought a new friend into my life, my e-pal Leslie. 

March 21 - the earliest I had seen the Kingfisher at the pond. The willows were just beginning to green.

I couldn't believe it when I saw the first one in April, 2018. I never get over the excitement of seeing these birds. 

Adding them to my life list was something I did not believe would ever happen.

April 15 - violets have always been one of my favorite flowers. I began picking bouquets of them when I was a little girl and I still do.

I especially liked the composition of weathered boards, bright flowers and green and brown leaves.

May 7 - on my brother Ron's birthday, this raft of male wood ducks rendezvoused along the edge of our pond. I theorized all their mates were tending the nests.

June 11 - I was so surprised to see this large dragonfly sitting on the lamb's ears with its wings splayed flat.

That it was Grandpa Joe's birthdate gave it special meaning.

I'm doubling up on June because I could not choose between the two photos.

June 7 - the sky gives us so many opportunities to see something special and when I do, I am thankful to be looking up at just the right time.

Capturing the wavy iridescence of these clouds was especially gratifying.

July 22 - early a.m. A flash of blue and some red.  The blue a reflection on oak leaves.

The red the sun shining on the old black willow tree.

Do you see a dragon's head? Or a raptor's head and wings? I do. A flight of fantasy.

August 20 - the first supermoon of 2024; also a blue moon which generally means the second full moon of the month, but in this case was the third full moon in a season with four full moons.

It is generally referred to as the Full Sturgeon moon, but I prefer Full Corn Moon (Ojibwe), Flying Up Moon (Cree), or, new to me, Black Cherries Moon (Assiniboine) for when the chokecherries ripen.

August 30 - yes another bonus photo month, but not my photo.

This was taken by my stepson Mark when he and Juliet were visiting us from NYC.

It's not just the sunset or the cross, it is also the spider web and the little dot on the corner post. Altogether, very pleasing in my opinion.

September 16 - other than short trips here in town, I hadn't driven myself anywhere else this year. When you get older you start giving up some of the things you used to do without a second thought. But on this Monday morning I decided to try a short trip into the countryside. I ended up coming into Green Valley State Park from the west. I took several pictures along the way, but this one, with the sun sparkling on the water, was my favorite.

October 12 - family photos at Pammel State Park with just a few nature pictures thrown into the mix. 

I took a photo of a big black wolf spider in the leaves, but this isn't it.

Just a couple yellow leaves among the maroon ones.

November 11 - Armistice Day and another lovely sunrise.

I always love it when I get my photos uploaded and discover that there is a bird or birds in the picture. It feels like a bonus - some added natural elements I hadn't tried for.

December 17 - one of the most dramatic and colorful sunrise
photos in an entire year of sunrise pics.

It is moody, striking, awesome, arresting, conspicuous and a whole bunch more adjectives I could use.

Once again, I was in the right place at the right time. When this happens, I have to think, "What about all the times I'm not looking. What have I missed?"

It is discouraging that I can't get out and enjoy nature and taking photos as much as I used to. Still...I'm grateful for what I still can capture. 

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