"I am in the midst of whatever I am thinking of." (Etal Adnan) Which right now is what I want to put in this post. I may have had some good ideas, but they flit away almost as soon as they come.
The day after my last post we went out for lunch to celebrate our weekend of birthdays and anniverary. Usually we go to the Mexican restaurant but I wanted to try something new so we went to Mario's Sports Bar and Grill. We were both pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere, service and food. I wouldn't mind going back but with the price of eating out now, it won't be soon - probably not until next anniversary.
The only other significant difference in our days was Saturday when we went to my youngest son's for Thanksgiving. Only two of his five children were there. But with fewer people I was able to have some meaningful conversations, most significantly with Kathryn about her new job with the Mayo Clinics and Hospitals and with Greyson.
He was sitting in a corner by himself, obviously upset. I sat down beside him and asked him what was wrong. "I broke something." He pointed to a small china figurine. I couldn't see anything wrong with it - no breaks or chips. "It's not broken I said." "Yes it is." When I picked it up to show him it wasn't broken, the top of it came off. It was broken, but I showed him it was a clean break and could be glued. "Was Grandma Shalea upset with him for breaking it?" "No, but I feel bad." Oh, my little sweetheart, how I remember those feelings. I talked with him a little longer, trying to cheer him up when he admitted, "I miss my Mom." which is when I learned he had been away for three days, not just that day. Oh, I understand those feelings, too, Greyson.

One of my wishes for the day was to get some new four generations photos. We couldn't quite do that with these two because their dad wasn't there - he had to work. But I did get a good three generation photo of me, my son Preston and his two grandsons, Ayden, left and Greyson, right. Boy those two are really growing fast!
I did get a new four generation photo of me, Preston, granddaughter Kathryn and great-grandson Louis.
Ayden and Greyson always come running to give me a hug and I wondered if Louis would do the same.
With a little encouragement, he did. And oh how it melted my heart.
It isn't a new revelation, rather a reinforcement of something I already knew - time goes fast - enjoy every minute with those you love.
Our Novembers are full of anniversaries and birthdays - the last of which occurs tomorrow.
Today is the 8th birthday for great-grandson Jack. This photo was taken at Halloween which explains the clowns in the background.
I haven't seen him and his brother since Easter but his dad (Grandson Brock) sent me photos of them so I could see their Halloween costumes.
There was another November birthday that I always remembered, that of one of my best friends from highschool. Her birthday was the 2nd. I felt bad because this year I let it slip by without sending her a card. I planned to apologize when she called me on my birthday as she usually did.
But on the 14th, our friend Ellen called to tell me she had just heard from Donna's granddaughter that Donna had died September 2.
Of course I was shocked and of course I began remembering all the times we spent together.
Another reminder to appreciate friends and family while you still can.