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Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fooled By Mother Nature?

I used this photo on my February 26 post about sympathizing with other allergy sufferers. At that time I'd already been seasonally affected by itchy, watery eyes for about a week and half.

Gradually I began feeling better although I had up and down days all through the month of March. Most of the itchiness dissipated. The main problem left was how badly my eyes still watered. Well, eye, actually; my left eye. Even the Systane eye drops which had helped in the past did nothing to stop the watery eye.

But this past week things seemed to be about back to normal - more 'good' days than bad.

Sunday was one of the good days. We spent a couple hours in the afternoon in Winterset where great-grandpa Bud (Grak-caw) and Ayden continued their play.
G'pa held Ayden up while telling him to run. Ayden's little feet were going a mile a minute. Then grandpa would set him down and off he would go, only to run right back for more of the same.
These two do think up some fun games!

Greyson wasn't feeling the best. His eyes looked like he was a fellow allergy sufferer, though I think his was more from a cold.

This little guy started walking at just over 8 months! It does seem as though babies develop much faster than they used to.

Speaking of walking - Aunt Kathryn had kicked off her colorful wedge sandals - Ayden did a pretty good job of walking off in them. And they weren't even tied!

Yesterday I thought the allergies were almost a thing of the past. This morning Mother Nature played an April Fool's joke on me. I woke up with eyes so puffy and swollen and itchy it is about like they were six weeks ago. Is it the maple tree? This is how it looks this morning with the little catkins swinging in the breeze.

I'm beginning to feel like a prisoner in my own home. I probably haven't been out more than a half dozen times in as many weeks.

I sure hope this isn't the new normal for me. At least the eyes aren't watering this morning, just itching - and looking like I've been in a boxing match!

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