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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Red Flag Day At The Beach

By Thursday evening we had made our way along the Florida Gulf Coast as far as we were going before turning and heading toward Christine & Dale's in Marianna. I had called ahead and booked a room in Panama City Beach. The surprise was when we got to our room and found we had a whirlpool suite. I hadn't asked for that and the agent on the phone hadn't asked if we wanted it. So, surprise!

When we got to the beach the next morning the top floors of the condominiums were shrouded in fog. Visibility lowered the whole time we were there.

The flag halfway along the fishing pier was a good indication of how strong the wind was blowing. - Not that we didn't already know that.

Surf's up! There were few people on the beach and I don't remember seeing any in the water on this morning.

Perhaps because it was a Red Flag Day. Red flags mean "High hazard, High surf and/or strong currents. Double red means the beach is closed. Yellow is medium hazard; green is low hazard and purple is for dangerous marine life - like jellyfish. 

I don't suppose they call them snow fences in Florida. Are they called sand fences? Or beach fences? At any rate, I thought it was interesting the way the sand had piled up to the top and across the fence in this area - just like snow does during our Iowa winters.

One thing I've noticed about Hondas is that even if they are no longer pretty, they still keep on running. You might think this one had been customized to carry a wheel chair or some such but we watched as a guy removed a huge cooler on wheels and headed for the pier. And while the beach access was free, the fisher people had to pay to go out on the pier.

Time to head inland.

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