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Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

It has been many years since I've done this: I'm making some New Year's Resolutions:
1) I will blog every day possible.
2) I will read one non-fiction book for every five fiction books I read.
3) I will add at least a half hour of stretching and/or yoga to my daily excercise routine.
4) I will really, really try to lose ten pounds by the end of May and another ten by the end of October.
5) I will drink my first cup of morning coffee on the patio when weather permits.
6) I will enjoy a beverage on the deck each afternoon weather permitting.
7) I will attempt container gardening.
8) I will do something special with Bud to mark our Silver Anniversary.
9) I will get back into the habit of using my C-Pap.
10)I will sort through the boxes in the garage.
11) I will ride my new bike more than I did last year.

That seems like enough for someone who hasn't resolved for a long time. After yesterday's marathon, I should probably add "not watch so much HGTV", but I don't want to break one before January 2nd!

1 comment:

  1. These are great goals! I like how you mixed milestone items and daily practices, good for you stuff with fun for you stuff (and a few that are both!) I think you've set yourself up for success here, by and large. I look forward to your recap post in about 11 months and 28 days. :-)
