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Friday, August 14, 2009


Money - "the root of all evil"; "the #1 cause of disagreements in couples"; the partner of "you can never be too thin......".
I've thought for a long time that it is interesting not only how I choose to spend my money, but also how others choose to spend theirs. Most of my life, it didn't matter how I wanted to spend because there wasn't any extra $$$ to spend.
I am one of those people who feels life is kind of backward: when you are young and energetic you don't have time nor money and there is so much you want to see and do. When you're old and tired and have a little extra money, there's nothing you really want or need. (Or you've learned how fleeting instant gratification is. Plus you don't want a house full of "stuff". And you've started to worry about how long you'll live and how to make what money you have last.)
Budbo's early morning trip to Wally to purchase Madden's 2010 (and waking me at 5:30 a.m. in the process) is what prompted these thoughts. There was a time in our 23+ years together when I would get a little upset by his spending on game consoles and games - seemed very wasteful expenditures to me. But, as he pointed out a few times, he didn't have any other vices - he didn't sit in bars drinking; he didn't have affairs and spend money on other women; he didn't buy a lot of clothes, etc., etc.
I finally realized he was right. That, plus he never criticised how I spent my money. Yes, 'his' money and 'my' money. We decided very early in our marriage that it worked better for us to keep separate bank accounts.
So, what do I choose to spend money on? I have no problem whatsoever with going out for a nice meal. OK, even a mediocre meal if it means I don't have to cook. I DO NOT like to go clothes shopping. I can live in jeans and t-shirts. (But I have a sniggly feeling that could change if I would ever lose enough weight to look how I consider 'good' in clothes.)
Travel - I could probably bankrupt us if we traveled as much as I would like. If we ever hit that powerball, sayonara! Annuals -as in plants; flowers. And anything else to do with outdoor decor - fountains, trellis's (trelli?), fire pits, deck furniture. What else? Stuff for the house, pottery, books, wine......
Finally, I have no problem driving an old car as long as it is reliable. I hate car payments. But my little Escort wagon is beginning to limp; is beginning to have one thing after another needing fixed. I'm thinking next year.....question is, will I go into debt for a new Ford Fiesta when they come to America in 2010, or will I settle for the best used Focus I can find? I've never bought a new car in my life. Stay tuned.

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